1. Recruitment and Hiring

FRS Recruitment constantly tries to find new ways to streamline their recruiting and hiring for their clients. Thanks to technology, this aspect of HR has become simpler. “Careers Pages” allow candidates to learn about the company they are interested in along with the company culture and position. Additionally, online applications allow prospective employees to apply at their leisure and submit along with their CV, via the company website. Other resources that FRS utilize to make the process as easy as possible for candidates, is constant use of job boards and social media platforms.

2. Employee Engagement

In an effort to maintain employee loyalty, FRS have increasingly come to understand that employee attitudes are not what they once were. Workers no longer have their parents’ philosophy!  Times have changed, and for the better! All of this constant change makes it even more important for employers to find varied and creative means of engagement. FRS focuses on employee wellness, and are continually working with our staff to hear and implement their suggestions around wellness and work life balance.

3. Training and Development

We can all agree post Covid that employees are increasingly asked to take on more tasks and responsibilities, allowing companies to streamline teams for efficiency purposes. This approach gives employees the chance, as well as the need to emphasize the need for training and development to allow growth in their position and work towards furthering their position in the company. Technology makes it much easier to train employees in various tasks, and skills. This is something that FRS focuses on to embed their employees.


4. Performance Management and Evaluations

Performance management is another arena where technology has become a game-changer in HR. HR professionals are able to collect and store data on employee’s performance from day one. HR staff can regularly communicate with department managers to request updates to keep their files current. It makes it easier to help keep employees on track if they are lacking certain skills or have other issues that endanger their position. Alternatively, it allows HR managers to detect when an employee is ready to take on new tasks or is eligible for a promotion. Some companies are letting go of the traditional annual review, for instance, in favor of frequent interactions to keep the conversation current, helping the employee change course-or learn how well they are doing-as quickly as possible.

5. The Dynamics of HR Itself

It is important that HR departments are adaptable in these rapidly changing times. There are several strategies that companies are adopting to keep things fresh within HR, as well as their employees. Staying Open to Change Is the Key to success in the HR Space.

To take that next step in your HR career, email Claire directly on chanly@frsrecruitment.com