Strong Demand for Psychiatrists in Ireland
The Irish Health Service employed 391 Consultant Psychiatrists in 2019 (Irish College of Psychiatry). The College of Psychiatrists Workforce Planning Report 2013-2023 identified the need for 800 Psychiatrists in post by 2023. The Covid pandemic as well as the protracted negotiations led to a delay in the recruitment for these roles. The sláintecare contract is now available as well as an attractive HSE relocation package. The combination of these factors mean that there has never been a better time to move to Ireland and take up a position in Psychiatry.
Careers in Psychiatry
There are 4 specialties of Psychiatry which are recognised by the Irish Medical Council. These are Adult Psychiatry, Psychiatry of Old Age, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Learning Disability Psychiatry
In addition to this, there are many sub specialties that many Irish Psychiatrists have forged a career pathway in.
These include:
- Social & Rehabilitation Psychiatry
- Old Age Psychiatry
- Medical Psychotherapy
- Liaison Psychiatry
- Learning Disability Psychiatry
- General Adult Psychiatry
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- Addictions Psychiatry
- Academic Psychiatry
Working in partnership
FRS work in partnership with the HSE as an official supplier of Doctors to Mental Health Services and hospitals across Ireland. As a supplier for the whole of Ireland, we can work with you to identify the best location for you, your specialty, your interests and your family.
What's on offer?
A typical package on offer includes:
- Basic Salary of €209,915 - €252,150 on a six-point scale (37 hour working week)
- €4,000 On call allowance
- €3,000 Continuing Medical Education allowance
- Flights up to €800
- Paid accommodation for the first 28 days
- Paid Visa and Work permit
- Reimbursement of cost of initial registration with the Irish Medical Council.
Psychiatry in Ireland
You would be forgiven for thinking that Psychiatry in Ireland is a small specialty in a small country, however Irish Psychiatrists punch above their weight in the world of Mental Health with many Psychiatrists contributing to ground breaking research and academia which has shaped the future of psychiatry across the world.
With additional funding at both Consultant and non Consultant level, the future is looking bright for psychiatry in Ireland.
Let’s Talk
As a qualified psychologist myself, I am delighted to be working with the HSE to attract Consultant and non Consultant Psychiatry Doctors to Ireland to further enhance and develop the mental health services of Ireland.
With this in mind, my colleague Eithne and I will attend the European Psychiatry Association Congress in Paris this year with a view to meeting some wonderful Psychiatrists who may be interested in learning more about working in Ireland.
If you are planning to attend, let us know and we can meet to discuss further. If you can’t make it, don’t worry, you are welcome to reach out by email ( or phone anytime to discuss the wonderful opportunities that await your career in Psychiatry in Ireland.
Click HERE to view all our Psychiatry Roles and Medical roles in Ireland

Emma Fenton
Emma has been recruiting in the Healthcare and Medical sectors for 13 years. She completed a B.Sc. in Psychology and a M.Sc. in Occupational/Business psychology. This coupled with a natural interest in creative problem solving is what attracted her to the Healthcare sector where regulation, registration and international recruitment are part of the everyday job. She loves talking to medical professionals from all over the world and enjoys matching them with the right hospital or organisation. She currently recruits for both the public and private sector, most of the roles she works are based in Ireland but she does get involved in some international projects also. Emma prides herself on having up to date information on what is happening in the healthcare sector and being an expert in the medical industry.
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