FRS Recuitment Best Recruitment Agency Online Winners at the National Recruitment Federation Awards
Winning awards is always a good barometer of how well your business is performing but being recognised for a strategic decision and investment that improves customer experience, service & performance in an industry that has never been renowned for it, is a real indicator that we are doing things right. Winning NRF best Recruitment agency online wasn’t achieved overnight and is the result of a strategic plan developed with Kevin Green our strategic advsior to deliver world class candidate and client experience with the backing of all of our team and our partners.
Steps to Success
- A deep dive by our brand development partner Red Dog to confirm our values of Integrity, Fairness, Flexibility, Diversity, Intelligent Innovation and Customer Champions.
- Confirmation that what makes FRS different is that we are a social enterprise and co-operative with our mission “Changing lives together” and vision to “help the world work better”.
- A complete transformation of our brand identity with a new logo, website and colour palette, but most importantly we put our people front and centre of our brand rather than stock photography.
- We Work for You. Became our tagline as it sums up what is at the heart of FRS Recruitment.
- Window dressing of our brand on its own was never going to be enough, so we started our customer excellence journey by implementing our operational excellence plan with the help of Chris Moore from Let’s be More.
- We undertook an analysis of our candidate journey through the application process and worked with our digital partners to identify blockages and improve the candidate experience.
- We worked with our L&D partners Social Talent to implement our training content to their platform to help reinforce our candidate first strategy throughout our whole team from leadership, to the recruitment team, sourcing teams and shared services.
- We started measuring our candidate experience at all interaction and digital touch points with our candidates.
The Results
- Our “net promoter score” for candidates has improved from 45% to 72% (the global average for recruitment companies is 24%) and for clients it has increased from 30% to 66% (average from recruitment companies is 11%).
- Our Ireland is Hiring campaign resulted in a 27% increase of visitors to our website and a huge 738% increase of site visitors from Australia.
A huge amount of work has gone into winning this award by many people but our biggest thank you goes to all of our brilliant team at FRS Recruitment.
Colin Donnery
Colin has been working in the recruitment industry since 1998 helping companies to source great people. He is responsible for ensuring FRS continues to be Ireland's leading recruitment consultancy. His day to day role involves advising organisations of all sizes on their talent management, attraction strategies, employer engagement and branding. Colin is a former President of the National Recruitment Federation and has represented the Irish recruitment industry at government, E.U. and international level. He has a keen interest in the jobs market, employment trends and the world of work.
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