Breakthrough for Nurses From Abroad Looking to Move to Ireland
There has been a fantastic shift in Irish compliance for critical skills permit holders and their partners, as partners will now be given direct access to the labour market without needing an employment permit. This is an extremely positive shift for nurses looking to make the move to the Emerald Isle from all over the world, as their partners can now join them much more conveniently without any barriers or delays.
This is such a positive step in the right direction, as our specialised team of nursing recruiters are looking for candidates from all over the globe to fill a vast array of nursing positions across public and private hospitals.
If you are a nurse seeking an adaptation placement in an Irish hospital, or looking to sit the RCSI Aptitude test, then look no further.
Hospitals are offering an extremely generous relocation package for nurses abroad covering:
- Cost of one economy class airfare
- Cost of accommodation during adaptation period
- Cost of a typical VISA
- Cost of Employment Permit upon registration
- Reimbursement of NMBI Registration fee
- Cost of GNIM registration fee
The hospitals we work with are looking for nurses for adaptation placements with experience in the following clinical disciplines:
- Cardiology
- Oncology
- Orthopaedics
- Surgical
- Anaesthesia
- Theatre
- General Medical
- Accident and Emergency
- Nephrology
If you are an enthusiastic, motivated nurse holding a Decision Letter from the NMBI or expecting one, and have experience in the above mentioned settings please apply today. *Note - candidates must have a minimum of 4 years’ clinical experience in any of the above disciplines to be eligible*
There is no better time to come to Ireland. You will gain valuable experience with top, state of-the-art Irish hospitals, offering excellent competitive salaries and excellent opportunities for both career progression and personal growth. With the added benefit of having the security that your partner will have direct access to one of Europe’s most thriving labour markets. So, why not come to Ireland? FRS Recruitment will be on hand to assist you through every step of your application.
Please contact Chloe or Michelle in our Nursing team for more information, or alternatively email your CV to with your CV attached in Word Format.
For further information on spouse/ partner work permits, click HERE

Chloe Hos
Chloe is a Recruitment Consultant for the Nursing Team at FRS Recruitment. She completed her BA in Law and Media Studies from DCU in 2018 and has been working with FRS since 2018. She has experience working in the customer service industry, and really enjoys working with people. Chloe finds that working for the Nursing Division is both interesting and rewarding. She enjoys working with and learning from each nurse she speaks to and greatly respects the important work they do. She prides herself on an honest, friendly and informative approach, when talking to nurses coming from both Ireland and abroad and strives to find the best role for each nurse she assists daily. If you are looking for a change, please get in touch with Chloe.
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