Doctors! Thinking of moving to Ireland?
Doctors from all over the world want to work in Ireland. The work experience, the teaching opportunities and the fast-paced, high-volume setting combine to give Doctors an experience beyond their imagination. One of the biggest challenges I face as an experienced Doctors Recruiter is helping Doctors who have never worked in Ireland to understand that it will take them time to adjust and that their current level might not match up in Ireland.
What Level?
The difference between a Senior House Officer (SHO) and Registrar is not huge, it comes down to clinical skill, experience and competence. Typically, as a Registrar, you will need confidence in your area of expertise and it really helps to have done internationally recognised postgraduate training or membership exams. This helps the hiring hospital to recognise your clinical skills and knowledge as suitable for the Registrar setting.
A lot of doctors who have specialist training go for specialist registration with the Irish Medical Council, but specialist registration is only necessary for Doctors who want to work at Consultant level. General registration is cheaper, usually a little faster and all you need to work as an SHO or Registrar. It is also possible to transfer from the general to the specialist division at any time once you have the appropriate paperwork.
When deciding if you want to start at Consultant level or below, it is helpful to consider the following;
Am I ready to lead a team in Ireland?
Would I be able to answer most of the queries from the junior doctors?
If a patient in my care was critically ill and needed to be transferred, would I understand the structure of the Irish Health Service and what to do?
Sometimes, a doctor’s skills are in so high demand that a hospital will support them to gain this knowledge but in other circumstances, we recommend a specialist doctor to consider working as a Registrar for 6 months to gain a working knowledge of the Irish Health Sector.
If you would like advice on what level position to apply for and what type of registration to go for, I am always happy to answer your queries.
All non-consultant hospital doctor positions contract are recruited for in July each year. It is the busiest time of year with the greatest variety of jobs on offer. Some contracts are 6 months and some are 12 months, so a second recruitment cycle starts in January but July is far and away the busiest time of year. If you are thinking about moving to Ireland, July is the best time for you. Irish Medical Council Registration can take about 3 months and work permits and visas can take 6 weeks each. Along with this, some Doctors will need time to give notice to their current employer and/or makes plans to relocate themselves and in some cases their families. For these reasons, hospitals begin their recruitment process in February and March for the July rotation. With this in mind, now is the time to get your CV to me if you considering a move to Ireland this July.
What Next?
For more information, tailored advice and assistance with finding your dream job, contact Emma Fenton in FRS Recruitment today or click here Mobile/Cell Phone: 0860243108 International: +353860243108

Emma Fenton
Emma has been recruiting in the Healthcare and Medical sectors for 13 years. She completed a B.Sc. in Psychology and a M.Sc. in Occupational/Business psychology. This coupled with a natural interest in creative problem solving is what attracted her to the Healthcare sector where regulation, registration and international recruitment are part of the everyday job. She loves talking to medical professionals from all over the world and enjoys matching them with the right hospital or organisation. She currently recruits for both the public and private sector, most of the roles she works are based in Ireland but she does get involved in some international projects also. Emma prides herself on having up to date information on what is happening in the healthcare sector and being an expert in the medical industry.
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