Graduate Level Positions Are On The Increase
Over the past few months, we have seen an increase in requirements from our clients to hire recent graduates and those with only with 1-2 years post college experience.
This is a recent change in the marketplace and a clear indication that the shift is a representation of the changing talent landscape.
In what can be described as a job rich market right now, the need to flex requirements by hiring managers is more important that ever to ensure they can meet hiring needs.
Turnaround times in hiring processes have reduced, resulting in job offers being made very quickly in the hiring process as organisations are realising that they need to move swiftly to secure talent quickly.
One of the most buoyant sectors in the Irish economy is within the Technical and Engineering industry where skills shortages continue to be a major concern with 91% of engineering leaders according to Engineers Ireland say this as a barrier to growing their workforce.
The National Skills Bulletin again highlights the growing demand for engineering skills across R&D, construction, climate action and other sectors. Engineering organisations have been increasingly taking initiatives to overcome skills shortages, including investing in upskilling/ reskilling current employees (84% of organisations), offering flexible working options (68%) and collaborating with educational institutions (68%).
Over the next ten years, the in-demand engineering skills will be communication, management, digitalisation and sustainability.
The number of students taking higher level Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects is growing: by 4% at Junior Certificate and by 5% at Leaving Certificate in 2019. Combined with the 8% increase in CAO first preferences for Level 8 engineering-related programmes, this reflects very positively on the Government’s STEM Education Policy Statement.
However, the continuing gender gap requires greater attention and action – in Ireland and internationally. While engineering is the most commonly cited occupation for 15-year-old boys, it does not feature in the top ten for girls.
The requirement for Graduates straight from education is a representation of the talent requirements in this industry and reflects the urgency in sourcing this type of talent into industry.
For more information about graduate opportunities email